Monday, October 5, 2009

Witchy Woman.

On Friday, my sister and I went to Wee Witches Weekend at Gardner Historic Village.

Izze had a ton of fun and is still more than pleased to be a witch for Halloween.


Three sweet girls.
Sydney, Ella and Izze watching the "Hula Hoop Witch"

Walk on, sweet witchy.
Izze's costume from behind.

Tip of the hat.
Such a sweet sweet girl.

Riding a tractor to meet A.REAL.LIFE.WITCH.ARE.YOU.KIDDING.

With Matilda.
The thrill was short lived. Izze was absolutely terrified of Matilda.


Attending a funeral for a dear cockroach friend, who was squished in the house. This is Queen Hyperspeed Helga. Izze looooved her.

Queen Hyperspeed Helga.
Learning about poisoned apples, magic brooms and wart cream.

Izze really did like her, she was just a little nervous about being alone with her for a picture.

She got autographs from a few of the witches and she was so very proud.

Craft time.

She really had a great time, I'd go back again and again every year for sure.

The cutest thing is that Izze asked for a "witch party" for her birthday and I told her we were going to the "witch thing" and just before we left she asked me so sweetly, "Mommy, does this mean I'm 3 now?" SO DARLING! I said, "What do you mean, Izze?"
"Because we're going to this witch party, I'm 3 now!"

I told her she won't be 3 until the end of the month, but we'd get a lot of good ideas for her party.

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