Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just a taste.

I have some more photos from that photo shoot we did with Jessica's friend Leah. It was fun. Izze is beautiful.

Brown Eyed Girl.

Two of a kind.


Daddy's girl.

Bitty Ballerina




Let's not talk about my hair. I know already.

My girl


On my head.

Also. Izze is using the potty like a champ. I'm so proud of her. Now if she would sleep better. She's getting there, she loves her bed and falls asleep in it, pretty well. But I think she has nightmares a lot and wants to climb in bed with us many times a week. After this potty thing is solid we're going to start using the bribery plan with her on the sleep issues too.

I love Izze. She's a great kid. She's a funny person. She's charming, she's smart, she's a good friend. I've been blessed, thoroughly.

1 comment:

lindsay said...

i absolutely LOVE those pics! when i get my camera, i want to take pics just like mamma kalli! :)