Saturday, February 16, 2008

We moved.

After much consideration, Jeremy and I realized selling our house quickly and renting an apartment would be better for us for a bit. I feel like we've finally settled in. We moved just around the corner from our home into a basement apartment. It's sad to leave our first house and it's a little discouraging to go back to renting, but it's the best thing for our family right now. I can stay at home with Izze and we can save money. We're going to probably build a house this next time and it won't be until after Jeremy has his own store, we thought that day would come a lot sooner.

We really love our new apartment, there's soooo much space for Izze and Titus to run around and there's CLOSETS!!! And a ton of storage, things Jeremy and I never really had before. There's even a dog door for Titus. It's really great for us. Next thing: pay off the car, that is just draining us... let this be a lesson, don't buy a new car off the lot!!! haha!

Unfortunately Izze some how got a hold of our stash of memory cards and thought she'd give them a bath in Titus' water dish. So my project 365 came to a stop for now and there's not any pictures of our new place yet.

As far as new Izze things, she can say "bath" now and she can make a bunny face and a fish face, she can also do a somersault. This baby is nuts!!!

Sorry there's no cute Izze face to hold you over, but I still thought I'd give a quick catch up.


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