Sunday, January 6, 2008

Big Girl Bed.

Izze Day 5
Originally uploaded by kalliparkin

We set up Izze's big girl bed yesterday. She took one of her naps in it and slept for about two hours in it last night, before coming back into bed with me. Jeremy had to work over night last night and I think it kind of threw Izze off a little.

She's not terribly afraid of it, but she was very excited to see the crib go. We had to rearrange her room and she was kind of nervous, but I can tell she's happy with the new set up.


Katy said...

How old is she? I'm going to put Meghan in a big bed this year, just trying to figure out when.

Kalli said...

Isadora is 14 and a half months. She's still sleeping in our bed, so this is just a hopeful attempt. So far she's doing good, but she's only taking naps in it, but little by little we're hoping!