Saturday, January 24, 2009

Oh... cute.

I forgot. I got these on Wednesday. Izze's so cute.

Don't mind the little crayon shavings. I had just scanned in some of Izze's drawings and didn't notice them on the scanner when I cleared it off.

Either way. Izze is so cute.

Izze's Dance Picture

Friday, January 23, 2009

Two Things.

First off. Izze's potty training and doing soooo good at it!!!!!!!! I'm a proud mama. We have a potty chart and each time she goes in the potty she gets to put a sticker up and then another sticker depending on if it was pee or poo or both. She filled her chart in a day. I really didn't think that would happen. She got a Dancey Dance Brobee. She thinks he's pretty awesome. She's filling the chart again. The only thing is, she doesn't like to poop on the potty, so she tries a few times then resigns to a diaper. She asks me for one, then poops. From what I've read, I shouldn't refuse the diaper, she'll come around when she's ready.

So this is our potty chart.

Izze's Potty Chart.

Also. Yesterday Izze had surgery to fix some cavities she had on her front teeth. She has inherited some weak enamel. That and the combination of nursing at night until she was almost two caused a little fuss with her teeth in front. It was only the front ones, two of them, on two different occasions broke from her falling. The back teeth and the bottom are perfect, like they're from a different set of teeth or something. Izze's pretty behind on getting teeth and that's probably a good thing. She got four little white caps on her front four teeth. You probably wouldn't even tell by looking at her, they're great. My brother in law is Izze's pediatric dentist and he helped us to know what to do for Izze and made sure we were in the best care. THANKS TYLER!! I hope I never have to go to Primaries again... they were great, the whole experience was as good as it can be, but I hope no one in my family has to go there again, it's heartbreaking.

Here are the pictures of Izze's ordeal.

On our way to Primary Children's Hospital. Izze really wasn't sad or nervous, as it may seem. She was having a really good day and was pretty enthusiastic.
On our way.

Izze had a lot of fun in the waiting room. She played with a kitchen, some babies, read books and colored with markers, which she doesn't get at home... with good reason.
Art time.

After being giving some sedatives the kids have to be held on or they have to sit in a wagon. Izze tried to stand in the wagon and just got wiggly and almost fell. The wagon novelty wore off kind of fast.

Shortly after the wagon ride, Izze was whisked away without me or Jeremy. They told her she got some bubble gum and she was smitten (I blame the medication). We didn't get to see her again until the surgery was done. Only one parent could go back at a time. I went back and Izze was screaming for me and swatting at the nurses. One nurse couldn't remember the doll she had with her's name. PLEX! He was like, "I know she'd like me, if I could remember!" She saw me and snuggled so tight and said "I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!" while she screamed! Soon enough she fell asleep and we were taken to another room where Jeremy joined us. She had an IV in her leg and a monitor on each toe that made them glow. She called them "Glowy Toe"
Glowy Toe.

She took a little while coming out of the anesthesia. She was so sweet just wanting to be held. This is right before she woke up.

Then when she woke up, she had some juice like a champ and watched cartoons. Then when we were discharged we went to change her clothes and she flipped out! She screamed that she wanted to wear her dress, not her Plex hoodie. And after 20 minutes of wrestling her out of the hospital clothes and into her clothes she screamed about not wanting to go home. We told her we could stop and get a treat first, but she just cried. It was probably a control thing, the first thing she could control. Total champ though. I'll try and get some pictures of her actual teeth today.

Also look forward to her dance pictures. :D

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cute Punk

Izze had her pictures taken yesterday. The other day we were visiting Jessica at work and one of her coworkers, who is a photographer, thought Izze was too cute (it's hard not to feel this way). She wanted to get some pictures of Izze in her super awesome outfits.

Here are the first two she sent me, I'm looking forward to see how the rest turned out.


Serious Little Punk.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Bed.

Izze is great at messes. So anything I can do to minimize mess, I'm totally game. The other day it was getting a little quiet in Izze's room. I came in to find this:

Mess Maker.

She had ripped all the books off her table, pulled the covers and stuffed animals off her bed, eaten a cookie, colored on her face with a pen, and pooped a horrible poop. It was at this moment I realized we really did need a book shelf for Izze.

So we headed to IKEA to pick one up. After getting that and several other things we didn't really need we headed to AS IS. Jeremy noticed a paper for the bed we've been thinking about getting for Izze. We originally passed on the bed, because we didn't think Izze was ready, she was still nursing and still sleeping in our bed. She loved the bed though, from the start! The bed is normally $200. But we got it for $50, because the box was totally destroyed. We checked that everything was in the "box" and after seeing it was we took it home. We took Izze to pick out bedding. It was funny, I was telling Jeremy I wanted to "de-Hello Kitty-ify" her room and I tried to lead her to these cute sets with green and blue patterns. She wasn't having it, she finally had it narrowed down to Princess, Tinkerbell and Hello Kitty. I gave in and let her get the Hello Kitty, because I want the bed to be fun for her and I don't want her to be afraid of the change. I'm planning on using it as a back up after I find something I like for her room. No rush though, she loves this Hello Kitty set. My little girl is growing up too fast. I love it, but it's bittersweet. Don't get any ideas though, we're sticking to a one kid family for a long time. :D

New Bed.

She insisted on sleeping sideways, which made me feel better anyway. However, the height didn't stop her from climbing down the latter at 3:00 am and climbing into our bed.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I'm trying an application on my phone. I hope it works.

Izze had a bubble bath in her grandma's big tub, she was way too cute!

Posted with LifeCast

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day In The Life

I never share these here, but from time to time I'll do a day in my life through pictures. It's a lot of fun, and sometimes it's challenging, but on days that are dragging or worth sharing it's a lot of fun.

This is the last one of 2008. 12.31.08. I hope you like it. Happy New Year!

