I just realized I never posted about Izze's birthday and I have a lot of pictures! She had such a great time, she loves all her gifts and keeps talking about her "Muno Cake Party" I think her favorite gifts so far have been these little newborn animals that make little squeaky newborn noises and have bottles to feed to them. She really loves her pots and pans and her new grocery cart. She thinks all the clothes she got are jammies and insists on wearing them all at once (I have to really distract her). One thing in particular she loves is a Nightmare Before Christmas blanket she got from Jessica. She carries it everywhere (and I cannot distract her). She calls it her Pumpkin Kingy blanket... so soft. She has a little Jack doll she loves too. She's so funny.
You can see all the pictures by clicking
right here.
Some new things Izze's been doing or has said lately:
She really talks up a storm, has full conversations and cracks jokes.
I let her watch The Little Mermaid and she is now obsessed with Mermaid. She has now seen all three of the Mermaid movies and asks to watch them.
She still loves Yo Gabba Gabba, but I think she loves the characters and songs more than the show right now. As far as showsn goes, she likes Dora (which comes on right after Yo Gabba Gabba and is the only reason she knows of it... ugh.) She LOVES Dora, not even just a little. I think she realize Dora and Isadora sound alike and she started liking her. Her big POTTY incentive right now is to potty 5 times in her potty and she gets a HUGE Dora coloring book. Where Dora is a mermaid... win win.
She loves Nightmare Before Christmas and I don't have it on DVD, so we've been watching it on the computer. She knows she can watch movies on the computer, she pretty much knows her entire world is digital and she can have anything on demand. Such a difference from generation to generation.
She told me yesterday "It's raining snow, Mama! The snow is white!" It was really funny.
She wants to eat the snow and put it in her drink.
Jeremy decided she is a born performer and as he was telling me that, Izze came running out of her room with her tap shoes on and pom pons in her hands!
Loves vegan cheese
Loves soy yogurt
Loves her new green fairy wings
Loves sleeping with Mama and Daddy
Says "That's me!" when she sees a picture of something she likes, for example, she saw a picture of the daughter of a friend of mine hugging Brobee (from Yo Gabba Gabba) and said "That's me!!" She also saw a picture of a little girl's room with a play kitchen and said "My room!" It's different than when she says "MINES" and takes something away. She's saying she likes it, but she says "That's me!"
She weighs 24 lbs and is 33 inches tall. She's clever and she's funny.
I love every Izze minute.