Friday, December 28, 2007

This post is going to be long and crammed full...

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I know we did. We're kind of glad it's all wrapping up, because it sure can be hectic. We ate a lot of good food and spent a lot of time with family and also missing family too (we can't wait for all of you to come back to Utah!!!) We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at Jeremy's parent's house and then we spent the afternoon and dinner at my parents. Izze got some really awesome things, some of her favorites are a Cabbage Patch Newborn, a toy cell phone, a Little People's bus and a play vacuum. We haven't set up her bed yet, we're going to let her have her normal routine for the rest of the year, before we ATTACK! Jeremy and I got some really great gifts too, it seems that a lot of our gifts were centered around the family, it makes me feel so good to have a family of my own now and to be able to share our traditions and pass them down. 

Izze wasn't too impressed with Santa Claus this year, but soon enough she'll know how magical and how awesome he is. 

It was sure great to see everyone we saw this Christmas and we can't wait until we're all together again... probably next Christmas everyone will be here! Now... onto the pictures and videos!

They're backwards in order... 

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Now onto the videos, first of Izze visiting Santa Claus at Macy's in New York, then of Izze putting on a hat, then of Izze getting into cupboards, then of Christmas morning just as my camera battery dies. 

The filming is kind of shaky, somehow youtube seems to accentuate when Jeremy or I get shaky when filming, but you get the idea. 

Well it's lunch time and Izze is getting antsy...  so I better go feed the beast!
Bye everyone.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hello, this is a blog.

We're going to try out blogger... because that seems like the popular thing to do. This is our first post, because we're not so sure how blogger works, but once we figure it out then you'll come and you'll enjoy, the family blog... which has been titled La Familia Bones. We're just that piratey! 


It's snowing here, so Izze and I are going to snuggle up in bed (yes she's still awake... and yes she still sleeps with us) and watch a Christmas movie... I guess Titus will be there too. We can't wait for daddy to get home! So we can snuggle the warmth back into his fingers. 

Bye everyone.
Kalli and Izze.